Mar 28, 2007


It's been a while........I read The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn last month, and I think it's one of the best I've read on the proper biblical use of money. His main point is that our money is God's (Ps. 24:1, Dt. 8:18) and we ought to use it as such. I'm a little foggy since I read it a month ago, but it was very timely. My funding for next fall is a bit up in the air (I found this out while reading the book), and the Lord used the things written here to remind me of how He is in control of those things. I highly recommend the book; Alcorn has one that's a bit more comprehensive that Lisa is reading right now, and I'm guessing that's good, too.

Also, a question I'm pondering: what does it mean to not forsake the gathering of the bretheren (Heb. 10:25)? I suppose the ensuing words help clear that up--"but encouraging one another..." Not meeting together is contrasted with encouraging. So being in the same room with other believers doesn't cut it. And it isn't that we are to simply receive encouragement; we are to be encouraging. So it seems that fulfilling this command involves being around and encouraging other followers of Christ. So, when you are around other believers, do you seek to build them up and encourage them?

I don't think the American model of Christianity always encourages that, at least not in the typical Sunday AM gathering. One brother shares, and the rest sit and listen to what he has to say. That is a good thing, but for the body of Christ to operate as it ought, for the gathering of the brothers and sisters to not be forsaken, everyone needs to encourage each other when we come together. If that never happens, the body does not grow in the proper way.

It's interesting that that question arose for me tonight. I went running the other night (outside!) and was burdened with a desire to pour my life into believers in a more significant way than I do currently. Perhaps the Lord is pushing me harder than I thought. :)

I won't give a specific date, just so I don't break my word, but I hope to post in a more timely fashion next time. The busiest time of the semester has almost passed, so that should make it easier. May His grace and peace fill you with joy.


Lisa said...

I did have that book but I didn't read it. It was due and I'm not in much of a reading phase right now. Hence the flipping through of the catalog of completely useless children's accessories that they market to well-meaning parents.

Noah Braymen said...

I agree that's a good little book. I disagree with you a little on the church fellowship stuff though. Hope all is well. I hear you on the busy part of the semester...I'm feelin' it too.

God bless you brother!

In Christ

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I deleted the previous comment simply because I wanted to edit it. I didn't realize it'd leave something there. Oh well.

As you already know, the Bible says "What is the outcome then, brethren? When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation Let all things be done for edification."

A typical church service has the same two or three people bring something week after week. As you said, those people bringing things is good but others should be bringing them as well. I could go into a lot of detail. Allow me to go into a little just to give examples.

First, the same person teaches pretty much every single week. In knowing ahead of time that this person is teaching pretty much every single week, it automatically takes away from that person being led by the Spirit. Because, whether or not he's led to bring a teaching, he does because it's his job. And, though there is a separate music leader, even his job a lot of times seems to be to sing and nothing more. What I'm saying is, a lot of times, you can tell exactly what the sermon is about by paying attention to the words of the songs you sing. That is, it seems like the teacher picked them out to go along with the teaching. At the very least, he probably often tells the music leader what the sermon is about and the music leader picks out songs to go along. So, all in all, there's one or two main people doing the main bringing of things for others and people to help them bring and every one else just sits back.

The main thing I want is for people to understand there are other ways. I've been to four main churches in the last few years and they all seem to have the same basic format and in every one it's easy not to give anything but to just receive. And, none of these formats are anything like "each one" having something to bring.

All in all, it'd be one thing if all the churches were free and led by the Spirit and a few ended up doing things the way most churches do things today. But, the fact that most churches do things in pretty much the same way makes me think they might think it's the way things are supposed to be done.

All that being said, I can think of lots of people who do go to churches like this who I hope to be like some day. I hope to love Christ and my neighbors like them some day. I'm not saying the people are bad. I'm not saying the system is bad. But, I think the Bible gives us a better way.

Noah Braymen said...
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Noah Braymen said...

[I made the same editing mistake Geoff:)]

Geoff...taking the entire counsel of what the Word teaches us about church (and the organization of it) I think that your answer is a bit simplistic and doesn't cover all of what it teaches. We shouldn't form the foundation of what we do off of one passage.

I agree with you that much of how many churches (assemblies) "do church" is not 100% biblical either...and that's a problem! This is not a reason to run out on it though. Have you tried to go to a small church?? If yes, did you invest in the people's lives at all? If they were big churches...did you check out the small group ministries for months at a time?

We need a modern day reformation in many churches...I agree with you that much practice is broken in many churches.

Sounds like you guys are really describing the Brethren approach to doing a "church service"...have you tried a church with that philosophy of ministry?

In Christ,