Feb 13, 2007

Snowed in!

So I guess a couple of days really means over a week.........

For those who haven't heard, we're in the middle of a huge blizzard here in Champaign. There's a foot of new snow on top of the couple of inches we already had. I made my way to the bus stop at 8:45 this morning only to have the bus driver tell me that the University canceled classes today (and tomorrow) for the first time since the late 70's. It was nice to have an extra day at home with Lisa and Stephen.

This weather got me thinking about the Lord and if it is something that He allows Satan to use. Is He the one that caused this? What about other natural disasters? Here are a few verses (there are many others):

"For to the snow he says, 'Fall on the earth,' likewise to the downpour, his mighty downpour." Job 37:6

"For he commanded and raised the stormy wind, which lifted up the waves of the sea."
"He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed." Psalm 107:25, 29

"And he awoke and rebuked the wind and said to the sea, 'Peace! Be still!' And the wind ceased, and there was a great calm." Mark 4:39

So obviously God is the one in control of the weather (even the snow.....). In many instances it relates to judgment, but not always. It makes me wonder if there is some sort of judgment related to this storm. Hmmm..........Job 1 presents an interesting case. God seems to allow Satan the opportunity to at least control the wind in order to test Job:

"And the LORD said to Satan, 'Behold, all that he has is in your hand. Only against him do not stretch out your hand.'"
".....a great wind came across the wilderness and struck the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young people....." Job 1:12, 19

So does God give Satan control of other aspects of weather? How often does that happen? I need to ponder this a bit more........

1 comment:

Noah Braymen said...

That's good stuff to think about! I've thought a lot about that stuff too. A few more passages as kindling/fodder...

Luke 13:1-5...it seems the illustration about the Galilean's blood mixed w/ Pilate's sacrifices and the tower that fell and killed those in Siloam...indicates that death comes on all impartially...so we should repent or we will likewise perish [in our sin]. That's how the passage reads to me at least:)

Ephesians 1:11...God works all things according to the counsel of His will.

I think you're right that this stuff is an act of judgment...but not a judment because a certain area is more sinful than others [at least that we know of]. It's part of the birth pains of waiting for redemption [Matt 24:8, Mark 13:8]. It's the groaning of creation [Ro 8:23] and yet God is in control [Job 38:5-11].

A beautiful paradox! Somehow Satan is thrown in there doing things [of his volition] and we are too, but God is in control. So God has somehow predestined us and at the same time we do what we would choose to do. I've heard some say...He uses sin sinlessly, and we sin because we want to. Curious!

For instance...the Tsunami, Katrina, Famine, Aids...all coming from God? It's definately a deep groaning of creation, but I think that God is the starting point or source of these things...urging us to repent or we will likewise persih.

Somehow Psalm 19:1 is true, "The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork." Somehow in the pain and suffering of this world His glory is displayed...especially in the face of Jesus [2 Cor 4:6].

Okay, I'm done musing today as well:)

In Christ